Requirements for Publication

Rules of Academic Writing

Publishing materials will be sent to The articles must have a maximum of 15 pages in A4 ISO format, written in one of the following languages: English, French, Spanish, German, or Italian.

Each article must have:

  • author’s name;
  • institutional affiliation;
  • author’s ORCHID;
  • author’s e-mail;
  • an abstract: Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions (300 – 350 words);
  • up to 6 keywords;

The articles must be arranged as follows:

Page Layout:

  • up, down, left, right: 2 cm; F4 ISO format;
  • Times New Roman font, size 14, single space;
  • endnotes: font size 10;
  • title of the article: font size 14, Bold, Centre alignment;
  • author’s name and institutional affiliation, ORCHID, e-mail: font size 14, Bold, Right alignment;
  • the title of the article must be translated into the language of the abstract: font size 10, Bold, capitals;
  • the article must be preceded by an abstract in one of the following languages: French, English, Spanish, German, or Italian – font size 12.
  • keywords: font size 12, Times New Roman font, (a maximum of 6 keywords);
  • the author’s e-mail address will also be presented at the end of the article;

Bibliographic references

will be given at the bottom of the page according to the following example:

Cornwell, 2012, p. 10.

At the end of the paper the author(s) should present full References in the alphabetical order as follows:

Cornwell, Neil (2012). The Absurd in Literature, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2006. 512 p.

Danesi, Marcel (2005). Messages, Signs, and Meanings. A Basic Textbook in Semiotics and Communication Theory, Third Edition, [ebook], Toronto, Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc.


must be preceded by a title. The table’s references must be given between round brackets (Table 1).

The editorial board reserves its right to publish only those materials distinguished through scientific content, creativity and originality.

The texts which do not comply with the mentioned rules will not be published.

Authors submitting articles for publication warrant that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty. For ease of dissemination and to ensure proper policing of use, papers and contributions become the legal copyright of the publisher unless otherwise agreed.

The following license will apply to the article: CC BY-NC

The CC BY-NC license allows others to process, correct and take your work as a basis for derivatives, non-commercial purposes. Although the new product should be placed along with your authorship and distributed on a commercial basis, the licensing of derivatives on the same conditions is not necessary.